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Botanical Name of Important Legumes (Pulses)| Common, Scientific & Hindi Name

Botanical Name of Important Legumes (Pulses) Common, Scientific & Hindi Name

Botanical Name of Important Legumes | Read Common names, Scientific & Indian or Hindi names of pulses), Botanical Name with Family, Special Features of species. Here we have listed 14 Pulse and going to describe.

1: Pigeon Pea

Botanical Name of Important Legumes: Pigeon Pea
Common Name:Red Gram, Congo Pea
Indian Name:Arhar
Botanical Name / Scientific Name:Cajanus cajan

Special Features of Pigeon Pea

Arhar is the most popular pulse in India. Especially in the urban area pigeon Pea is used as a common pulse. The Pigeon Pea (Cajanus cajan) is a perennial legume. This is one of the most important pulses because of its nutrients value. The seeds of arhar are extensively used in the form of a split pulse. Especially in South India, this is very popular. other names of Pigeon Pea are Arhar dal, Tuvar dal or Split Tuvar. About 3500 years ago seeds of Tuvar have become a common food in Asia, Africa, and America.

2: Chick Pea

Botanical Name of Important Legumes: Chick Pea
Common Name: Bengal Gram, Garbanzos
Indian Name:   Chana
Botanical Name / Scientific Name: Cicer arietinum
Family:   Fabaceae

Special Features of Chick Pea

The botanical name of chana is Cicer arietinum which belongs to the family Fabaceae. Chennai is very important to boost growth in human being. Chana is also used by athletes on the top priority because it boosts the immune system and energy level. The seeds of chana are eaten Raw. Roasted or boiled forms of chana are also very popular to make it delicious. Besan is is the flour form of China. Besan is also used in various recipes. Ghee and sugar of chana used for making sweets.

3: Cluster Bean

 Cluster Bean scientific name
Common Name:   Cluster Bean
Indian Name: Guar  
Botanical Name / Scientific Name:   Cyanosis   tetragonolob
Family:   Fabaceae

Special Features of Cluster Bean

Botanical Name of Important Legumes (Cluster Bean): Cluster Bean is used as a vegetable to make various types of delicious recipes. Young tender pods are used as a vegetable. Guar is full of important vitamins.

4: Horse Gram

Scientific name of horse gram
Common Name:   Horse Gram
Indian Name: –  
Botanical Name / Scientific Name:   Dolichols
Family:   Fabaceae

Special Features of Horse Gram

Horse Gram is famous as Poor man’s pulse in South India because Horse Gram is generally used as food material for cattle and horse.

5: Hyacinth Bean

Hyacinth Bean
Common Name:   Hyacinth
Indian Name:   Seem
Botanical Name / Scientific Name:   Dolichols lablab
Family: Fabaceae

Special Features of Hyacinth Bean

Botanical Name of Important Legumes(Hyacinth Bean): Pods of Hyacinth Bean used as a vegetable. Hyacinth Bean or Sem is a very popular vegetable in India. Hyacinth Bean younger pods used to make various delicious recipes.

6: Grass Pea

Scientific Name of Khesari Dal
Common Name:   Chickling vetch
Indian Name:   Khavari Dal
Botanical Name / Scientific Name:   Lathyrism sativus
Family:   Fabaceae

Special Features of Grass Pea

Grass pea or Chickling Pea is generally known as the cheapest Pulse. Grass pea or Chickling Pea is used by poor class families in India. Excessive or prolonged consumption of Grass pea or Chickling Pea (Khesari Dal) can cause serious disease Lathyrism. Lathyrism is the paralysis disease of lower limbs. The seeds of Grass pea or Chickling Pea (Khesari Dal) contain osteotoxin B- amino propionitrile (BPN) and water-soluble neurotoxin B-N-oxalyl amino Alanine (BOAA).

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7: Lentil

Botanical Name of Important Legumes  Common, Scientific & Hindi Name: Masoor Daal
Common Name: Lentil
Indian Name: Masoor, Malka Masoor  
Botanical Name / Scientific Name: Lense esculenta, Lense culinaris  
Family: Fabaceae

Special Features of Masoor, Malka Masoor

Mansoor, Malka Mansoor or Lentil is most nutritious of all pulse. Mansoor daal contains a very high amount of Protein which easy to digest. Generally, Unripe Pods of Masoor daal is used as a green vegetable.

8: Common Bean

Common Bean scientific name
Common Name:   Kidney bean, French bean
Indian Name:   Vilayati Sem
Botanical Name / Scientific Name:   Phaseolus vulgaris
Family: Fabaceae

Special Features of Common Bean

Common Bean / French Bean / Kidney Bean or Vilayati Sem is popular as cattle feed. Straw is used as food for cattle. Green immature pods are used as vegetable.

9: Black Gram

Common Name: Black Gram
Indian Name: Urad  
Botanical Name / Scientific Name: Phaseolus mungo  
Family: Fabaceae  

Special Features of Black Gram

Black Gram is the most popular pulse in India. Black gram is black in colour which is known as Urad Daal. Urad daal is rich in Phosphoric acid. Urad daal is used with rice for idli and dosa. Urad daal is the chief constituent of Papad and Vari.

10: Green Gram

Common Name: Golden Gram
Indian Name: Moong  
Botanical Name / Scientific Name: Phaseolus aureus
Family: Fabaceae

Special Features of Green Gram

The Indian name of Green Gram or Golden gram is moong. Moon is a widely used pulse in India because of its high nutrients value. Fried and salted seeds of moong dal used as snacks.

11: Moth Bean

Common Name:  Moth Bean
Indian Name: Moth Bean
Botanical Name / Scientific Name: Phaseolus aconotifolius
Family:   Fabaceae

Special Features of Moth Bean

Mouth bean ate as Dal as well as vegetable. Young foods are eaten as a vegetable and ripe seeds eaten as dal.

12: Pea

Common Name:   Pea
Indian Name:   Matar
Botanical Name / Scientific Name:   Pisum sativum
Family:   Fabaceae

Special Features of Pea

Pea is a very popular vegetable in India. It is commonly known as matter. It is used in every vegetable to make it delicious. Pea is helpful to make breakfast dinner and lunch recipe. Potato and Pea with Paneer is the very popular combination which is widely accepted as very delicious recipe in India. Potato and Pea with cauliflower is also an amazing combination of food.

The seeds of Pea are used as a vegetable after cooking or mixed with various vegetables

13: Cow Pea

Common Name: Cow Pea
Indian Name: Lobia  
Botanical Name / Scientific Name: Vigna unguiculata  
Family: Fabaceae

Special Features of Cow Pea

Cow Pea seeds are also cooked as vegetables. Immature reports are used to make a delicious recipe of Cow of pea.

14: Soybean

Common Name: Soybean
Indian Name: Soybean  
Botanical Name / Scientific Name: Glycine max  
Family: Fabaceae

Special Features of Soybean

Soybean seeds are rich in protein. Grinding boiled seeds of soybean with water yields soybean milk. This milk is fit for infants like cow’s milk. Soya sauce is obtained by fermenting soybean and rice flour with aspergillus oryzae.

The oil of soybean seeds is used to cook various types of vegetables. Seeds of Young pods of soybean are very beneficial for health.

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